Monday, November 27, 2006

They Keep on Coming

Psycat's Aliases

Your rock star name is Chocolate Cheetah

Your punk rock band name is The Happy Digeridoo

I removed the ones I didn't like.


ColorQuiz.comPsycat took the free personality test!

"Has an imperative need for some bond or fusion wit..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.


Your 2005 Song Is

Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz

"Love forever love is free.
Let's turn forever you and me."

In 2005, you were loving life and feeling no pain.

1 comment:

GoldMatenes said...

ColorQuiz is creepily accurate...

I hope I don't conflict with you ... I tend towards the restrained, but i would love to be more free.

'...Love forever love is free,
Let's turn forever you and me,
Windmill, windmill for the land,
Is everybody in?...'